FREE Random Name Generator utility from Screaming Brain Studios!

Generate thousands of combinations of character names, plants, enemies, places, titles, or items. Each generator 'type' has its own settings allowing for you to customize the output. Lock the first or last name in place, special modifiers or descriptive words, categories, or choose from several different styles for each of the different generator types.

  • Name Generator - Generate thousands of first and last names. Choose between Male or Female names. Select from Human, Elven, or Alien name types.
  • Item Generator - Generate thousands of names for game items. Choose between Normal or Magic modifiers. Select from Weapons, Armor, or Potion name types. 
  • Plant Generator - Generate thousands of plant names. Choose between Normal or Latin sounding names with or without special modifiers.
  • Enemy Generator - Generate thousands of different enemy names from different categories. Choose between Normal or Generated (Prefix+Suffix) style enemy names with random modifiers.
  • Title Generator - Generate hundreds of game titles. Lock the First Half or Second Half of the title, or Game Category.
  • Place Generator - Generate thousands of location names. Choose between Natural or Manmade place types. Different sets of modifiers for each place type that can be locked.

This tool is completely FREE and has been released under the Public Domain (CC0) license, so you can use it or distribute it however you like. The utility can be run in-browser or downloaded as a standalone package you install, and will be updated periodically with new prefixes, modifiers, and name types.

If you like this software, or any of my other work, please consider supporting me on Patreon!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

SBS - Random Name 10 MB
SBS - Random Name Generator.rar 8.2 MB

Development log


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Pretty cool! Would be even cooler with more gender options: it's especially hard to come up with a gender-neutral name


Agreed! I've been trying to figure out a way to separate gender-neutral names from the existing name lists, but I might have to just make a new set of names for the gender-neutral category

I'm also trying to work out a reasonable way to read custom names/suffix/prefixes from a file or something, so users can add their own, but that's another challenge heh.

(1 edit) (+1)

I've gone ahead and added a 'Neutral' gender option, at least for the Human names and a nice long list of names (Elven and Alien male/female names are already randomly assembled from prefixes and suffixes based on harder or softer sounding consonants, but they are pretty usable as gender-neutral names, but I might go back through and implement the option for them later) As well as a little Randomize button that shuffles all the selected settings, just for fun lol.


Wow, ultracool! Thanx


Very helpful tool. I've always struggled thinking of names for characters, so this feels like a weight off my shoulders. Thank you!


Very glad you find it helpful!!


Your contributions to free textures and tools are huge. I see your textures used frequently by indie devs all the time, they're that good.


You should implement monsters and places!

Great idea!! I'll put this on my to-do list as well :D


If you decide to expand on this asset, is there any chance you could expand it to game titles .? Im making a post apocalyptic game very similar to Zero Sievert, just havent a clue what to call it .. :)

That's actually not a bad idea!



I'll see what I can do about adding something like that!


Oh this is nice. I love proc gen and this is inspirational